Nothing to say.

What is the use of writing a blog post about anything currently?

The news changes so rapidly a post written this morning is out of date tonight.

There are two main points about the war in Ukraine.

1. Putin has made a mistake.

2. Putin has made a very bad mistake.

There are two main points about sending illegal immigrants to Ruanda.

1. It’s a good idea.

2 It’s a very good idea.

There are two main points about Boris’ Conservatives.

1. They are better than Labour and the Lib Dems.

2. They are very much better than Labour and the Lib Dems.

That is all I have to say today.

Tomorrow everything might be different.

Conspiracy again/always

I notice the Conspiracy Theorists are out again about how we are purposely being made terrified by MSM on Ukraine as they did with Covid.

There are always lurid headlines. That’s what the press does. They have done that since newspapers and pamphlets began. One has to read between the lines, a skill learned through the generations.

I am 77. Crises are not new! I have lived through….

World War Two

Nagasaki and Heroshima

Chinese Civil War

Berlin Blockade

The Partition of India

Scarlet Fever, Polio, TB, Diphtheria epidemics

Korean War

Suez Crisis

Vietnam War

Cold War

Asian Flu and Hong Kong flu

Cuban Crises

Kennedy assassination


Hutu/Tutsi Rwanda genocide

Rhodesian War

Six-Day War

Gulf War

Kosovan War

Nine Eleven

Iraq and Iran

War in Afghanistan

Gadaffi and the “Arab Spring”



The take over of Hong Kong


Putin’s War on Ukraine

I remember as a small child being terrified by world events being discussed by alarmed grownups. As an adult, I am as alarmed as they were.

It’s not fake. It’s not propaganda. These are real events. It’s History reported by a lurid Press.

More lurid than anything else are the new Ukraine Conspiracy theorists strutting their stuff on YouTube. As a bonus they add stuff like “Covid was a Hoax” “Vaccinations have killed millions of people” etc etc. to “Ukraine is a hoax by the Global Elites” or a collaboration by Trump and Putin to “drain the swamp”.

The first thing I listen for are the unhinged hysterical timbre of the voices speaking.

It is unnerving to think that people have moved away from reading the always lurid and biased old fashioned mainstream press, to fashioning their own lurid and biased fantasies that millions of historically ignorant folk might actually believe!

People seem to get a thrill from being frightened and unhappy. How sad.

Inviting Putin as a solution

This is a flippant post but not totally.

I did not know that when Putin first accidently became President of Russia he asked that Russia join the EU and NATO. He was turned down by the West.

The West has done some very stupid things. Had it been Gobachev, of Glasnost, Peristroika and nuclear disarmament era, there might have been a different response. I remember that time. We were so optimistic. It was great. The Cold War ended but instead of really making friends, the demonification of Russia continued in the West.


The solution.

Invite Russia to join the EU and NATO.

It would give China a cause for deep contemplation. Not that it isn’t in deep contemplation right now. It has a most thoughtful plan for the future.

The West has made a deep error by not making friends with Russia.

What do YOU think?

The crime against us here in the UK – Ivermectin

In the middle of Covid, I asked our doctor for a script for Ivermectin. She said she couldn’t do that and she didn’t want to get ‘political’.

The UK did not allow Ivermectin to be sold over the counter in this country.

So we had to order off the Internet at great cost.

The unvaccinated section of the family got Covid. And were so ill, they forgot about the Ivermectin they had in their possession.

Our family have had various forms of Covid right from the start and I posted a blog on our daughter’s experience in March 2020 when she got Covid (original version) from her Chinese students returning to the university after Christmas 2019.

Now everyone in our family has had Covid once, twice and even three times.

Still Ivermectin is not allowed over the counter by our masters.

I think this is a crime against the citizens of the UK.

When we first came to UK from Africa twenty five years ago, many medications we had used there, were not approved in the UK. We have a saying in our family “If it works, you won’t be able to buy it here”

I have written a lot about Ivermectin. It’s a crime the UK is so backward. It’s the scandal of the Covid era.

Why is Ivermectin still withheld?

Someone should ask the Government.

The War in Ukraine Could Change Everything (Yuval Noah Harari)

I am archiving this here. It’s worth listening to because it’s not a regurgitation of the same old stuff. As I listened, it came to me that there has been what the conspiracy theorists complain of as “The Elites” or “The New World Order” that has kept our world in a state of peace since WW11. Peace is a wonderful attribute. In times of peace conspiracists can thrive. In times of war, they are exposed as the enemies of peace. Right now, we need leaders with power and clout to ensure peace. We need the whole world together to protect the gift of peace we have given to ourselves.

Enjoy listening.

A bird of peace?

I thought having a bird shitting on you was a sign of good luck. Well, that’s what people say.

So I have been confused as to what the creator of this picture actually meant when he/she/them made it. It’s been going around on social media as a comment on the present situation in Ukraine.

Does this mean good luck to Putin?

Or what?

Is it clever?

Or not?

Or am I just dumb?

Mr Putin’s war

I have heard Mr Putin’s soldiers are a bit confused as to why they are killing their own kind.

Mr Putin’s soldiers cannot recognise the enemy as they look and speak exactly like themselves.

Mr Putin’s soldiers are running out of food.

Mr Putin’s tanks are running out of petrol.

Mr Putin is running out of time.

His grand coup, where he might have expected the Ukrainian army to join him and overthrow the current Government has failed.

He has to turn more brutish.

I suspect becoming more brutish might be his undoing. He is feeding the flames towards his own political coup. In Russia.

Hoist with his own petard!

Like many other leaders in the course of History.


Oh dear

There is a war.

Beware of false information, hysteria and experts of all kinds creeping out of the woodwork.

Ignore the fact of USA meddling in the Ukraine since it freed itself from the old USSR. Pro West. Pro West. Pro West.

Ignore the fact that NATO promised not to expand past the Elbe. Go east. Go east. Go east.

Ignore the fact that all the sanctions on Russia will harm us more than Russia itself. Russia has China to lean on. just emailed me to sign their petition to the UK Government to ,”Stop the war!”


Aren’t you sick of women?

Don’t you think there’s now a problem with the over promotion of women?

They appear everywhere as if they are 100% of the population.

Every news snippet on UK’s BBC is presented by a woman. The political commentary by a woman.

Most ‘Heads of’ anything are now women.

Spokespersons for most things are women.

Commentators on just about any topic are women.

Where are the men?

I’ll tell you where the men are…..

They are being discriminated against in favour of women.

Many women nowadays who have usurped men have ‘evolved’ voices, hard and growly, and excruciating to the ears. Just listen to confirm it yourself.

Many women I hear so consistently on the Media, are there not because they are better than men, but because they have uteruses.

A uterus has become a beneficial organ in the race to success. Too much estrogen in society cannot be a good thing.

We need more balance.

Bring on the testosterone!

Bring back men.