The night of the presidential debate, I woke at three. Being curious, I thought I would listen myself, make up my own mind before any other person’s opinion could infect my thinking. I’m glad I did.

I was fascinated by the lack of manners, the superficiality of the debate, the personal insults, the inability of the participants to follow the questions from the moderator, or practise self discipline.

The whole thing was quite revealing.

I was reminded of the naughty boys in my classes at junior school who had to be separated before they upset the rest of the kids, or lept on the desks, or hurt someone.

One boy was worse than the other. Perhaps it was his Covid-19 making him more unruly than usual?

This morning, my inbox is full of notifications from the people I follow on YouTube and BitChute. Many of them have dramatic HEADLINES (in caps) about the ‘WINNER’ of the debate!

To me, it was the worst debate in History. It was cringeworthy, seeing two grown men behaving as if there was not a single rational thought between them.

I am going to unfollow anyone who actually believes it was good in any way whatsoever.

Obviously, I cannot trust the opinions of the people I thought I was in tune with. They are probably wrong on other things too.


But I’ll watch the next presidential debate on Thursday, October 15, 2020. It has to be better in some way, otherwise the two clowns will have shown they are incapable idiots, neither of them fit to be a president of anything. And the moderator will have got his/her shit into gear.

Bitchy, whining, blaming, shrieking politicians of the UK, listen up!

As the UK election nears, the bile and vituperousness of our politicians becomes more exposed.

I have made my mind up of who I’m going to vote for.

I’m going to vote for the one who is less ‘nasty’,  who does not spread calomnies nor slander, who is the most dignified and who is earnest; the one who is moderate in speech, tone and demeanour.

The politicians I hear promoting themselves all use the seven deadly sins of speaking…

Listen, politicians….

And learn that your words are turning people away from you.


Life on this gender neutral planet

We’ve gone daft.

We are a bunch of raving loonies.

All sane people really have to re-assess the way the world is going.

40 schools are banning girls from wearing skirts in school, for the sake of gender neutrality.

It’s an affront!  Common sense has disappeared! 

Gender neutrality? Nothing is gender neutral.  Our genders are set down at the moment of conception and they develop from that moment into a male gender or female gender.

Each gender has innate preferences that appear in childhood….and continue into adulthood.

Why are we completely consumed by a minority to completely deny the fact that boys and girls are different.

Do not tell perfectly normal children that they must be gender neutral, when they are not. Boys and girls are different. Get over it!

From an early age, most children typically choose to play with toys typed to their own
gender. In order to identify variables that predict toy preference, we conducted a metaanalysis of observational studies of the free selection of toys by boys and girls aged between
one and eight years. From an initial pool of 1788 papers, 16 studies (787 boys and 813 girls)
met our inclusion criteria. We found that boys played with male-typed toys more than girls
did (Cohen’s d = 1.03; p < .0001) and girls played with female-typed toys more than boys did
(Cohen’s d = -0.91; p < .0001).


Many studies have found that a majority of boys and girls prefer to play with toys which are
typed to their own gender, but there is still uncertainty about the age at which such sex
differences first appear, and under what conditions. Applying a standardized research
protocol and using a selection of gender-typed toys, we observed the toy preferences of boys
and girls engaged in independent play in UK nurseries, without the presence of a parent.


Slavery Reparations….

I think this was a really good opening speech by Ta-Nehisi Coates at the slavery reparations hearings in the USA.

I point out that white/European people were enslaved in much greater numbers in world history than black people ever were. The difference is that those slaves simply disappeared into the populations of the nations that enslaved them. They never became a “group” in those countries.

The Wests’ use of captured humans sold to them by African traders for profit and greed has been a different thing completely.

I thought this an excellent speech. What do you think?

Or do you think paying reparations for white and black actions in a different time and place in history is a dangerous precedent?

How are reparations paid? To whom? By whom? It will be interesting to see where this goes……

Rant on war and Right Think…

Dear James,

I’ve cogitated on your email talking about future war as you see it from your place in Africa.

In the society we are watching developing here in the UK, the war that is coming is already here, and has been for a while. It’s a war on how people think. Our technology has opened up an easy way to infuse people’s brains with right-think to quote Orwell. Every movie, every TV series, every news report dishes up right-think. At last the masses can be sculpted by the elite to believe the correct beliefs. There’s no need to purge Academia like Mao did, nor send them to gulags. Theres no need to even have political parties once you have got the masses all thinking RIGHT-THINK.

The young people of this generation will automatically become good subservient citizens, who will further right thinking to their children and teach and educate others through the education they are receiving now.. I’m talking about the West. We’ll all be green yet multicoloured, multigendered vegans, bicycling around under our flight-free skies, reading loving messages on Twitter and Facebook, whose emotions are never challenged by any ugly ideas, or the sound of clapping, whose lythe bodies are never sullied by smoking, vaping or sugar and who believe the next James Bond should be a black, transgender, vegan, Downs Syndrome actor.

We are just watching a new TV series set in early cold war. So far, two episodes, we have met a gay male couple, the lead role female who is a strong determined, loud, liberated woman, who is also lesbian, some hateful white chauvinistic male politicians who pinch girls’ bottoms, a strong black American chauffeur who is being downtrodden at “home” in the USA; also a disabled wheelchaired person, and, let me think, oh! Yes! NOBODY SMOKES!!! The movie takes place in the late fifties, early sixties.
So the war on the mind of the West is big! Of course the propaganda is watched by the rest of the world because we live in a Global age.
As for all the wars, those are put in place by our politicians. They are losing respect from the masses. Our new green vegan generation do not believe in wars. Bottom pinching is now sexual assault, a weapon used to bring down any white male you wish to destroy. That bodes well for the future. They are repulsed by the bombing in Yemen, the idea of drones, and violence. If it simply takes bottom pinching to completly destroy a person, who needs a war? So I’m relying on them to sort it out.
As for the disgusting habit men have of actually making a testosterone induced war, that’s easily solved. Feminise all men so they stop behaving badly….
Your friend,

Land in South Africa – education!

There is a massive ignorance by black people of their own History in South Africa.They maintain that White people stole their land. There is nothing further from the truth. Basic History exposes the myth.

It was only in the 20th Century, the nasty Apartheid overcame South Africa. My husband and his family (who are white) were forcibly removed from their homes and dispersed so the area could be proclaimed “Indian”. So removals worked both ways! People always think it was only Black people who were “moved”.

Apartheid was not a good thing. But South Africa is not a “Rainbow Nation” now that the people are free. It’s a mess. And it’s going to be a bigger mess.

Apartheid lives!

The Government is going to take the “stolen” land back, without compensation to Whites, and eliminate property rights.  They have not issued property rights to millions of Black people either.

The people do not want to work the land, they want to live in the cities. Farming is essential for feeding the people – but when offered land or money, 97% of Black people take the money. And successful commercial farmers (White) are going to have their operations removed/transferred to Black owners who might not be farmers. Who will feed the people?

The South African Government has gone bonkers – it’s South Africa’s worst enemy. Of the land it has “taken”, only 6% has gone to Black people and millions of black people are living in homes in townships that have not been granted any property rights at all. A swamp? Oh yes…..

If you want to get educated, watch this Documentary. It is full of astonishing details.




Grieve “Notre Dame de Paris fire”

I feel grief. I am not religious. But this is a sort of a 9/11 moment for me somehow. The fire started 6 minutes after closing up, in two? places…I wonder what we are going to be told?

What do you think?

Time to grieve by watching a video without a commentary, except the quietness of the watching crowds….

You didn’t like my yesterday’s post on School “Climate Strikes”? Well, how about this? THE MANUFACTURING OF GRETA THUNBERG

If you think our wonderful, courageous children are protesting spontaneously such a great thing as Climate Change, and demanding that Governments of the World must do something NOW through their in-school-hours “Climate Strikes”, then we need to drop the scales from our eyes. There is yet another strike tomorrow (15th March 2019)

As I said yesterday, its ADULTS organising the children. Be aware!

My granddaughter who comes from “activist” stock’s attitude is “she is not bothered one way or another. She went to the last “Climate strike” because her friends were going and it meant they got a day off school. She is not investing any thought – political agendas /fear or anything else in it.” My granddaughter is a typical unpolluted teenager…I don’t know if I should be pleased or disappointed that she’s not politically motivated! But I guess her’s is the normal response to complex things she can’t see apply to her.

If you think I’m a conspiracy theorist, you are welcome. But wait! Maybe I’m not.

If you too, wish to know what might actually be happening to our children, how they are being “used” here is a very long article, carefully researched, that will give you a lot of information.  If you wish to read, or browse it, it’s worth wondering about…….see what YOU think…..


This was a discussion on our TV’s at the last “Climate Strike” three weeks ago….


Modern fairy tales, the Children’s Crusade and the Pied Piper

On Friday, there is another “Strike for Climate” in our town. On Friday. On a school day. I have been invited to join it.

Well, I’m not going to.

There is something particularly creepy about the whole thing. What I see is the grooming of children by adults to further a political cause and I disapprove.

When I was a teacher in South Africa during apartheid, I was given the job in a “new” Government initiative being introduced in the schools, of forming a Youth Group in our school, to teach the ideals of the then National Party. I was repulsed by it. When the inspectors arrived to inspect me due to my insurrection, I explained that this new Youth Group was nothing less than Hitler’s Youth and I refused to do it.

I’m not sure how I kept my job. And I think the project was shelved due to teacher revulsion of it.

Today, teachers are mendicants of the psychological instability of the age.

Children are groomed to think ‘right think’ in all sorts of ways. I see this as indoctrination, not education.

Now, to me, Strike for Climate, is being used to inculcate a sort of whipped frenzy in kids, drawing images of a terrible satanic future for them, us and the world unless we stop the world NOW.

Strike for Climate appears to me to be pushing Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ which certainly would stop the world NOW. It is absolutely impracticable. And to facilitate this world frenzy of dumping classes for political activism BY ADULTS psyching children on, is despicable.

It’s a combination of The Medieval Children’s Crusade and The Pied Piper of Hamlin unfolding before my eyes.

The Children’s Crusade “remains one of a series of social explosions, through which medieval men and women—and children too—found release”.


Mobilising our children for your propaganda – disgusting!

My grandchildren were off school to “protest” climate change.


The BBC puked children spouting words put into their mouths by adults.

This whole event was a propaganda activity coordinated by Youth Strike 4 Climate.

I think its totally and absolutely disgusting and should NEVER have been permitted.

Its obscene.

My grandchildren are not there to further your cause. What they know about Climate Change is what has been put into their heads by their schools. They can decide to join your protest, when they are old enough to think for themselves, and not regurgitate propaganda like small programmed robots.

Shame on you all.

This article on the BBC (God help us) news page says “Since then (began with 15-year-old Swede Greta Thunberg), tens of thousands of children across Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Australia have been inspired to hold their own demonstrations. Link


We know who “inspired” them!

The group, which helped coordinate the protests, has four key demands:

  • The government should declare a “climate emergency”
  • It should also inform the public about the seriousness of the situation
  • The national curriculum should be reformed to include “the ecological crisis”
  • The age of voting should be lowered to 16 so younger people can be involved in decision-making around environmental issues.


How low can they go?